
Rock 'n Roll Nightmares!
10:20am on FujiRock Sunday is a rude time to ask anyone to do anything. There's too much on on Saturday night. So it was a weary duty of mine to get down to Guitarwolf at this hour. Guitarwolf seem to always draw the short straw here, and it appears that they are usually the first band on. No need to worry here though, they were able to fill the red marquee to capacity without any troubles, and I was more than happy to catch their show for the first time. Guitarwolf consist of Seiji (Guitarwolf) drmmer Toru (Drumwolf) and new bassist Ug (U-G) who replaces original bassist Billy (Basswolf) who passed away in March 2005 of Rock 'n Roll lifestyle. They came onstage to a backing track with some nice guitar and barritone sax. No measure of what was to come though, their music ain't nice!
With a huge back catalog to choose from, Guitar wolf had no problems filling a 30 minute set. Jet Generation was one of the crowd pleasers, and the crowd were really loving what they were doing. Rock 'n Roll Nightmares came soon after that. Guitarwolf put on a great show, Seiji strutting across the stage like he owns it, and he does! Lots of screaming, lots of guitar. RIGHT NOW!!! Seiji pulls a guy out of the crowd and passes him his guitar. A dare: "Come on! Rock 'n Roll! Sing Rock' n Roll! C'mon! Jump!!" Junichiro from the crowd did his best to rise to the occasion, he could rock and he could jump (not necessarily simultaneously), but he wasn't going to sing. Crazy strumming and noise, he was star for five minutes, and memories for a lifetime. Next, Seiji climed the speaker stack in a finale that had him playing up there for a short stint, before leaping the 8 feet down to the stage screaming "Rock'nRoll!" He went out in an arm flailing blaze of guitar glory, putting the Rock into FujiROCK!
Hangover? Not cured. destroyed!
Report by Dom