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Have you ever been to an American wedding?

If you're not completely stoked at the prospect of seeing Gogol Bordello at the Fuji Rock Festival this year, well...can you tell me what time your Tuesday night knitting circle meets, because my grandmother has been looking for one to join.

Or maybe you just aren't aware of what they are about. I'm here to help. I too didn't have any idea how great it could be from just listening to their recordings, but when I heard Terry Gross interview frontman Eugene Hutz on NPR's Fresh Air, my attitude changed completely.

Hutz seems to epitomize the best possible mash-up between a bona-fide Eastern European gypsy and NYC indie rocker. Listen to his thrashing of Americans' idea of a wedding 'celebration' (9:00 pm, they look at their watch, "well, gotta be gettin' up early tomorrow...") Judging by the Japanese crowd's spirited and immediate response to Celtic punk band Flogging Molly at 11:00 am at last years' FRF, Gogol promises to be an event to partake of this year.



Your special wedding can be much easier for you if you hire a wedding planner to aid you with all the details.

When Wedding lover will swear to each other - how much they love each other but one minor arguement they will curse one another..don't you think this is funny? lol communication is a key to a successfull marriage :)