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Go Go Go Team


In 2005, traveling behind ''Thunder, Lightning, Strike,'' Ian Parton brought his Go! Team to Fuji's White Stage.

Assembling the group to fill out songs on this second album after his solo debut ''Get It Together'' had brought Parton fans such as John Peel, the Team was a relatively unknown live quantity. While the sample-heavy album may have depended too much on kitschy '70s nostalgic -- schoolyard chants crossed with harmonica-inflected cowboy movie-soundtrack wannabees -- it also rumbled with an infectious party atmosphere.

So there on Sunday, in one of those unexpected White Stage early afternoon get-down sessions, The Go! Team moved a capacity crowd to work it hard. Decked out in peddle-pushers and pure attitude, front lady Ninja rocked something new into existence.

Now they are back with a pure groove album, ''Proof of Youth,'' and you should expect them to bring the retread funk again. They're on the Red Marquee this time which is pity -- even if the White Stage can be dusty in the sun and gritty in the rain, it ends up hosting some of Fuji's best dance parties (Watch what Ryukyu Disco does to it on Friday afternoon). Still, if you aren't curious to finally see what The Breeders look like in person (older but still kick-ass), and you still got some moves left in you, the Team will be the ticket.

-- Donald

* Photo by izumikuma/Smashing Mag.com