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A change in the Fuji Rock lineup for Sunday, June 27 was announced this morning, though it's not the breakthrough news you might be expecting.

Due to the cancellation of Kyoshiro Iwamono, the Fuji Rock Fest organizers have shuffled a number of artists to fill his spot and the slot before him (the [still] vacant TBC "legendary artist").

The upshot is that Primal Scream will now headline Sunday night, in addition to playing their Saturday night spot before Underworld. Joining them in the shuffle will be The Birthday (ex Thee Machine Gun Elephant) and Asian Dub Foundation.

The schedule for the final acts on Sunday night's Green Stage now look like this:

19:30 to 20:30 - The Birthday
21:30 to 23:00 - Primal Scream
23:40 to 24:40 - Special Guest: Asian Dub Foundation

Both The Birthday and Asian Dub will retain their previous Saturday night spots. The former from 20:30 to 21:30 on the White Stage, and the latter from 15:50 to 16:50 on the Green Stage.



Can I be the first to say this is a particularly poor showing? A repeat act from aging rockers Primal Scream compares very poorly with Sundays past - last year (The Chemical Brothers) and the year before that (The Strokes).

What is going on? I was sure the [TBC] was going to be great surprise - I'm very disappointed.

I can sympathize with the choice to go with Primal Scream. With Kiyoshiro Imawano canceling less than two weeks to go, their options for a replacement act was very limited. What's with the Birthday though? I don't mind them, but do we really need to see them two nights in a row? Even if they had no choice but to go with a local, Japanese act, surely they could have chosen someone who wasn't already on the bill?

Can I be the second to say this is a particularly poor showing? A repeat act from aging rockers Primal Scream compares very poorly with Sundays past - last year (The Chemical Brothers) and the year before that (The Strokes).

What is going on? I was sure the [TBC] was going to be great surprise - I'm very disappointed.

Can I be the thrid to say this is a particularly poor showing?
Pity those who have three day passes and don't care for Primal Scream!

May I be the umpteenth person to say what a rank performance this is?
If Smash Go Round were a football club I`d be tearing up my 3 day pass outside the venue in utter disgust, and going to support metamorphose fc.
Are they that void of ideas / oblivious to the real people (ie us) / sad / broke (delete as appropiate) that this is best shite they can come up with?
primal scream is one thing, asian dud foundation though - its surely enough that japan`s the only country in the universe that still seems to care about them, let alone having to suffer their turgid crap 2 days running.
i`m going back to tokyo sunday afternoon in disgust.


If this was a festival in the States or Europe, then they're be riots against the promoter for ripping off the fans.
Looks like a record-industry showcase to me - I'd rather stay in Tokyo now.

i am soooooooooooo disappointed.


If im not wrong then this means they didnt have anyone booked for the TBC slot or the special guests anyway even before Kyoshiro Iwamono pulled out.
I like Primal Scream and Asian Dub but i expected to see some different acts.
I can understand visa issues would have stopped them booking any Foreign acts at such short notice but what about the other talents that Japan has to offer?

what a bunch of whiners

Disappointment i can understand, and if some band on the level of, say, Radiohead or, was booked and then canceled, I'd understand the outrage.

but riots? refunds? "ripping off?"


I'm no fan of any of the Green stage repeaters Sunday, but exactly how many of you were going to Fuji to see Imawano play (AGAIN) on the final night? How many of you forked out all that cash gambling on the TBC to be your pipedream "Legendary Band"

You wanna stay in Tokyo because you can't clog up the Green Stage area with other punters and star-gawkers? If that's your idea of what Fujirock is all about, then please, stay home.

star-gawkers indeed.
seems the issue for some is whether this really marks the end for Fuji Rock as an annual institution. They`ve been gradually getting more and more typecast year on year and whilst the pull out is not their fault - they had nothing of interest lined up anyway for the Sunday.
As for the rest of it - I mean - Underworld? Don`t get me started pal!

I still gotta think that they're going to pull something off.
Iwamono-san has had some health issues for a while now, and couldn't play last year as a result, so they must have some irons in the fire...somewhere.
Artists visas aren't really too much of an issue (unless you've got a drug conviction), they can sort those out relatively quickly.
The problem really is schedules.
With so many freaking summer festivals on these days, the summer is many artists' bread and butter, their busiest time. So as much as FRF may want to just pull the trigger and bring in another name band, they may be booked already or in transit. Damn this global village, small world thing. I want Wilco and I want them now!

In no way at all is Primal Scream playing twice (in almost the same slot) any kind of "upshot". I'm looking forward to seeing them, but having them play twice really is a poor show. It shows a real lack of prepartion and originality. Just how many bands in total are now playing twice this year?!
The same applies to the other two acts, although as neither of them could really be described as having any kind of universal appear, this decision just seems like an insult to the fans.
Practically ANY new acts would have sufficed over a rehash of the previous days line-up and I'm sure there must be plenty of 'smaller' name acts around who would have jumped at the change to take the headline slot.
It really isn't good enough, and I can't help but think that the organisers have really shot themselves in the foot this year.
Of course I'll still be going, and there's plenty of bands I'm looking forward to seeing, but there's no changing the fact that anyone in their right mind can see that this decision is completely stupid.
I also hope the organisers will have the sense to at least try and pull off something special in the meantime, but when they've already made a decision like this it's hard to have much confidence.

Well done Roberto for getting the ball rolling
and apart from 'quit yr bitchin'; all his moaning.
all valid points that it is suddenly mediocre.
Cards closer to the chest; a basic rule of poker.

Jeff - do you work for Fuji Rock and/or do you have a drug conviction?

Yeah very poor showing from the promoters.

They needed to sell more tkts so they put a TBC for second on the bill and the headliners, when they know full well its Primal Scream and the birthday doing repeat slots -they know this will cause a bit of mystique and excitement and shift a few extra tickets -cheeky cunts!!

The Festival is already thin on the ground with talent, with a lot of shitty Japanese bands padding out the bill. And now we have repeat performances from no less than 3 acts - . This would never happen in the UK there would be riots if people werent given refunds, and promoters would be shamed into putting some quality acts onto the bill.

I bought a 3 day pass on the strength of the bills of past years, but Smash have damaged their rep and Fuji Rock wont retain the Kudos it once had, furthermore they wont be able to sell tkts without announcing its lineup - no one will trust them.

Im going but only to get away from my wife (bitch is coming on Sat to spoil my fun - have to avoid her). The lineup is shit not looking forward to it all - cant even get any jack and jills in this Police State Country.

Long Live the UK - shit food , but purveyors of the greatest youth culture, music, artists and fashion in the world!!

up yer bum Smash - u r well out of order!!

>They needed to sell more tkts so they put a TBC for second on the bill and the headliners, when they know full well its Primal Scream and the birthday doing repeat slots

Yes, of course, Smash knew weeks ago that Kiyoshiro Imawano would pull out due to an illness. Idiot. I am by no means defending Smash, I'm as disappointed as the next guy, but let's not get carried away here. And I was already planning on seeing Naruyoshi Kikuchi Dub Sextet (who are Japanese and must therefore be terrible according to you) and Rodgiro y Gabriela (who aren't Japanese! Yay!) anyway, so I can live with this.

Also, would you happen to be the "Tom Prince" guy who posted the drivel here in English?


I don't know, the phrase "u r well out of order" seemed kind of familiar...

Yes I am the literary genius who posted 'well out of order'

My language was a shade colourful, but I shoot from the hip!

I was generally angry, still am! sorry if I offended you wordly types.

I thought swearing was rock and roll!!

No worries, just write on the chalkboard "I will never spell 'you are' as 'u r' on Internet message boards ever again" one hundred times, and all will be forgiven

With regards to the pre-headline slot, I'm thinking that the likely story is that they were trying to get a big-name act, and were negotiating until the last minute but failed. So I think it's more a case of Smash being shitty negotiators than them having some scurrilous motive. They should've just said "okay we can't risk this, let's tell these guys to fuck off and look into booking other bands." Little consolation for us poor folks who plunked down 40,000 yen for tickets, of course

No clue about the closing spot - I'll miss ADF on Saturday (seeing Bettye LaVette instead), so I guess I'll catch them then.

Anyway, I hope your anger will die off somewhat in the coming week, and be able to enjoy yourself - and maybe even discover a good Japanese band or two. There are loads of great bands playing this year IMO, even if you may never see them gracing the cover of NME (and since you're singing the praises of British music, I'll just note that British funk band New Mastersounds is probably my most anticipated act). If you go in there with the mindset that it'll be a shitty experience, it probably will be.

Yes Ive decided to be open minded and try to watch some Japanese bands.

Ive got MTV on now and have just seen Asparagus who were good and also a band called 'Your Song is Good' there name is shite -but actually they were cool -ska punk pop, right up my street - Ill try and catch them next time they play in Niigata.

U r right if I go with a negative mind set ill have a negative time.

I still reckon Smash should apologize on their site for having repeat acts, they dont even give any recognition theyve fucked up -very arrogant. They think we were born yesterday!

oh well looking 4ward to reading your other rants.

@ albert fishsticks:
ummm...both...which means: "visa? i don't need no stinkin' visa!"

I saw Your Song Is Good last year (only because they made me), and they rocked! One of the nicest surprises of the fest.
Asparagus are from Yokohama (where I live) - they (seem to) kick ass, and I will defo be at their gig.

Personally (please nobody quote me on this), I still think there will be some more changes. Take that in what sense thou wilt...

What's this about YSIG being a "nice surprise." They're an established band goddamnit, there's nothing surprising about them putting on a good show! As for Asparagus, I saw them open for toe earlier this year, and was kind of unimpressed. If you're talking about Yokohama bands, then Special Others has got to be the highlight this year.

Jeff, are you guys ever going to do a write-up on Ellegarden? Apart from the Sunday repeats, they have to be the most controversial act in the lineup. Yours truly belongs firmly in the "Ellegarden are pure shit" camp, but I'm dying to know what the writers here think about them. Though I understand that even if you do think that their music is worthless (which you should!), you probably can't just go and say that outright...

touche! they were the nicest surprise of the fest "for me!". I had never seen them before. Knew about them, but never saw them. And you're right - they ARE an established band (and for good reason),

Ellegarden...ask James or Shawn...Asparagus...I'll wait until I see them before I say anything (though the guy at my local Tsutaya says they're, "Ree-ree cooru." He wears an earring through the bridge of his nose, has never heard of the Jesus and Mary Chain and drives a pimped out scooter. I like him).

What do you think the organizers should do? I think we all agree it sucks, but i don't think there is a big conspiracy.

A "Thank you", an acknowledgement - yes, I think that goes without saying. Some more contingency plans? I would've - but I don't organize the festival (although I wish I did).

FUji Rock is a great festival, and they do owe the punters something. I think they will find a way to do it. Well... I hope...

"FUji Rock is a great festival, and they do owe the punters something. I think they will find a way to do it. Well... I hope..."

i doubt it mate.

I think SMASH should try and do something to make up for it. Anyone can see that having repeat acts (especially on the main stage) is a pretty poor show. Yeah, obviously they've had a hard time of it, but if they want to retain the festival's reputation, I'd hope they're putting at least some effort into getting something else lined up.
Also, as someone else said, a bit of recognition of what's happening would be nice - I'd expect this kind of thing from a new festival, but one of this magnitude? It's a obviously a huge fuck up ne.

Oh, and PS - anyone shouting "refund" obviously doesn't have too much taste as there are still some great bands playing.

-"...And now we have repeat performances from no less than 3 acts - . This would never happen in the UK there would be riots if people werent given refunds, and promoters would be shamed into putting some quality acts onto the bill."-

@Fishhead:That would realy happen in the UK (riots)?!
I always thought nice about british people(still do),this doesn´t fit in my view on british people(I´m often in the UK).
A riot because of 3 canceled act would never happen here in germany anyway.

I can´t understand you foreigners (from japanese point of view)who complain because of a canceled japanese artist (wasn´t here some negative comments on here about japanese bands ?!).

Me I´m very happy to see Primal Scream 2 times.
(I jumped in the air when I read about it!! :-D

All you complaining people sell your ticks and stop whinning!

-"...And now we have repeat performances from no less than 3 acts - . This would never happen in the UK there would be riots if people werent given refunds, and promoters would be shamed into putting some quality acts onto the bill."-

@anonymous:That would realy happen in the UK (riots)?!
I always thought nice about british people(still do),this doesn´t fit in my view on british people(I´m often in the UK).
A riot because of 3 canceled act would never happen here in germany anyway.

I can´t understand you foreigners (from japanese point of view)who complain because of a canceled japanese artist (wasn´t here some negative comments on here about japanese bands ?!).

Me I´m very happy to see Primal Scream 2 times.
(I jumped in the air when I read about it!! :-D

All you complaining people sell your ticks and stop whinning!

Sorry for the double post.
Just wanted to set the target of my post right.(Sorry Fishy)
Btw:Can´t wait for FRF,one day left for take-off to japan.

There was a riot at Phoenix Festival, (now defunct uk festival)

I was there!! can't remember exactly who pulled out didnt play
(got a feeling it might have been Metalicca -judging by the amount of metal heads commiting arson and looting stalls etc- seem to remember feeling quite intimidated, I was only 15 at the time!).

oh well shit happens!

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