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The Bloody Beetroots


The Italians are out to show their neighbours how it's done. Looks like they're gonna give 'em a run for their money, too. The Red Marquee has housed some of the most interesting late night additions to FRF over that last few years, and it looks like this year will be no exception. While the set times and stages haven't been announced yet, I'm willing to put money down for these guys to tear up the marquee from, oh, about 3am Sunday morning.

Hailing from Italy and drawing on the influence of such names as Daft Punk and Justice (the former for their masked stage appearences and the latter for their big electro sound), the Bloody Beetroots burst into everybody's blog in 2007. Since then they've signed to Steve Aoki's Dim Mak label, appeared on bills with him across the US in 2008, as well as featuring him in some tracks. Looking like your friendly neighbourhood superheroes on stage, these guys proved to be quite the marketing whizzes with their release of "Cornelius," released as a "complete art project" resplendent with T-shirt. Whatever time and location they end up playing I recommend you get down there.

Because they're gonna tear it up!

Cornelius video



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