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Juana Molina: Army or One


Juana Molina was a TV star in Buenos Aires. Then she dropped out and recorded music for years. Her backing band in Naeba this year includes at least 30 or 40 backing vocalists...all her.

I will be there.

Links and more info after the jump:

Yes, Juana tried other musicians, but instead decided to work mostly with herself. Packing at least 2 sequencers, keys and percussion, the dizzying columns she builds simply by looping her voice and guitar. It's easy to imagine a studio filled beyond fire standards on some of the tracks from "Una Dia." It's it's all/mostly her, but http://www.fujirockexpress.com/08english/report/report.php?id=69&page=0&sword=&swhen=&swhere=&swho=73&sgenre=&swrittenby= , you can do a lot with one voice

Her lyrics (Spanish), come last, she says, mainly because the sound/song structures themselves are the goal. She's not trying to tell a story in words, but you can certainly write your own over her soundtrack.

Get the song/watch the film on her SITE:
Fantastic intro/interview from the awesome RADIOLAB
Live on KCRW HERE (click "Watch")

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