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Lily Allen Coming to Fuji Rock

Smashing Mag's got photos up from Lily Allen's gig last night in Osaka. According to the site, during her show she said that she'll be playing Fuji Rock this summer.

Her MySpace site confirms this and lists her as appearing at the event on July 24.

The following message from Miss Allen has been posted on her MySpace:

"I'm playing the Fuji Rock Festival on Friday 24th July. If you were only to go to one festival in the world, here are my thoughts on Fuji:

'...Hands down the best festival in the world. It's just really beautiful, set-up in the mountains. But it takes fucking hours to get there - like seven hours by car. But it's beautiful how they do it up with twinkling lights everywhere.' "

Allen performed at FRF in 2007 in the Red Marquee. There are photos and a live review of her set on Fuji Rock Express. If her MySpace is to be believed, and I can think of no reason why it shouldn't be, she'll be moving up to the Green Stage this year.


*Photo by Takumi Nakajima and used with permission of Smashing Mag


Hope so. Who else can sing 'fuck you' in that angelic tone? Though she did wreck Professor Longhair's 'Big Chief' for me. Some things should never be sampled.