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Old Schoolers

The first time I saw Asakusa Jinta, I knew they were Fujirock material.

Click "continue reading" for more info and vids.

Not only are they perfect for FRF in general, they are an ideal band for the Palace of Wonder:

Traditional Japanese elements fused with punk ethos?


Loud and crazy horns and a cute/quirky female bandmate to get the punters chanting?


Incredible chops, and equal comfort onstage or on the street?


I wouldn't be surprised if these guys popped up somewhere for an unscheduled guerilla performance (the boardwalk comes to mind), but if not, make sure to check them out Sunday night at Palace of Wonder. They've honed their act everywhere from Austin to Sweden, and the Palace will be for the home crowd. Old school never sounded so cool.

Asakusa Jinta SITE
Asakusa Jinta MYSPACE



Awesome post

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